May 27th RHOP recap

As I thought, Monique did NOT choke out Robyn! She’s so concerned about what she claims she has built and how the comments that Ashley made about her drinking could make her lose everything and ruin her reputation in the charity world…well perhaps she shouldn’t be drinking to the point of puking nor should she be outside of a resturant threatening to choke someone with an umbrella! It’s funny that she wants to help those in need including those economically disadvantaged yet she is always throwing shade at Robyn about her financial situation. Last time I checked, Monique’s big corn bread fed looking husband earned his money just like Juan did curtesy of being a professional athlete. Now why Charisse and her wig felt the need to defend Monique aka spaghetti arms (good one Gizelle) I really don’t know, but judging by the previews for the rest of the season, that’s gonna bite her in the ass. Sunday’s episode was yet another opportunity for Candiace to cry and for her country ass looking mom to display another horrible outfit and silver eyeshadow. Bobble head admitted to her mom that her brown penis fiancé Chris has a third older child that the mother isn’t allowing him to see. Instead of crying about it, she needs to investigate why this chick is blocking Chris from seeing his son. That’s the real issue because I’m sure that this dude Chris is hiding something. If Candiace mentions one more time that Chris is white, I hope he magically turns black. Like really bitch we can all see he’s white without you reminding us 30 times. On to Robyn and Juan…I’m glad to see them progressing with their relationship. Even though the scene with the spirit medium was sad you could tell that they still care deeply for each other. Oh and what an asshole their friend Earl is (the one who stole their money then jumped off a bridge) even from beyond the grave he felt no need to apologize to his friends for all the pain and hardship he has caused them. My heart broke for Gizelle. It’s been obvious that her issues with Sherman have been weighing on her but she has been putting up a brave front. We have all been ghosted by someone we love without any explanation and it’s the most hurtful thing ever. Someone that you love so much is choosing to not communicate with you without any explanation. It was nice to see her let her guard down and show her true emotions about this situation. Sherman you better pick up the phone and call my girl!

#rhop #greeneyedbandits #bravo #thelibraloungewithkeisha

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