This week’s RHOP

After watching last night’s episode of RHOP I can’t stand Monique even more! This chick is so tacky its almost unbelievable! She continuously reminds us of how “money” she has yet every outfit she wears looks like it was purchased on the clearance rack at Rainbow! I think my tally from last night ended at her claiming to be so busy at 18 times. Bitch busy doing what? If Chris’ mom doesn’t beat the hell out of her soon trust me Robyn is going to come after her ass. You invite everyone to this ghetto ass party and you pick a fight with Robyn then run off in your 99 cent store house shoes crying victim to your goofy bama ass husband. After enduring Monique’s lies about her part in the memes about her financial downfall, Robyn then got cornered by Ashley and her elf ears once again putting her 2 cents in about Robyn and Juan. My mouth dropped when she threw Juan’s international infidelities in Robyn’s face knowing damn well her husband probably has a gay lover in every country! Again Ashley feels the need to be a relationship coach when her dreams of getting pregnant by Michael to secure that money is dwindling away. I think the next time the ex-pageant queen steps to the other half of the green eyed bandits, she might get some hands put on her. They keep letting her make it but one of these days that ass is gonna get it. Now this new chick Candiace makes my ass itch. She’s beyond annoying and I keep wondering why she’s on the show? She’s not rich, not married, has never been married, and she sales damn hair extensions for a living. Oh wait she must also get paid every time she reminds us she’s from money and that her fiancé isn’t because she says it during every single interview. We only got to see my girl Giselle for a little bit and her appearance and humor were greatly missed. All in all it was a pretty good show.

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